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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Top 7 iPad 2 Tips

     The iPad 2 is currently the world’s top tablet, and it also happens to come with one of the top tablet price tags. If you have this premium device, you surely want to make the most of it. The following are 7 of the top iPad 2 tips so that you can optimize your experience using this awesome Apple tablet.....

 1. Download the user’s guide. Apple doesn’t give you a manual, but there is one out there. You can visit Apple’s website to get a PDF of the user’s guide. This may not reveal every helpful iPad tip or trick,but it will let you know how to use your new tablet to help you get the most out of it. Just be sure that you have the version that corresponds with the version of the operating system you are using, as theuser guide and your iPad’s features change a bit with each upgrade.

 2. Get acquainted with the side switch. That little switch can either be used to control audio alerts or to lock the screen’s orientation in either landscape or portrait mode. In the General area under the settings you are actually able to decide which of these two valuable functions you want this little switch to control.

 3. Create folders. This feature still is relatively new to iOS, but it is mighty handy. To create folders you need to tap and hold an app to they start to shake, and then you just have to drag that app over another apps icon. This lets you keep your apps more organized and allows you to scroll through a relatively few number of screens in order to locate an app that you are looking for.

 4. Keep your data super secure. Tablets are a computing device that is often on the go. Unfortunately, computing devices on the move like smartphones, eReaders, laptops and tablets occasionally get lost or stolen, and even more unfortunately, this could happen to you. To be sure that whoever finds your iPad can’t crack your sensitive data, you can enable all of the data to be erased if the passcode is entered more than 10 times in the General area of settings. You can also make the passcode lock a bit tougher, utilizing more than four digits by using a passcode that is entered using the full keyboard.

 5. Use CAPS LOCK. This is an iOS feature that it usually takes users a bit of time to discover on their
own. If you NEED to type in all caps, it can get pretty annoying to tap on the shift key before each letter. If you simply double tap on the shift key before you start typing, you have caps lock which can make yelling much easier.

 6. Change your email signature. The default is “Sent from my iPad.” While that signature may make some email recipients forgive you for typos and text-style abbreviations, it looks kind of boring and lazy especially if you use your iPad to send business email. Change it to something more personal or practical by visiting the mail area in the settings menus. You will find the signature area after selecting
the contacts menu and then the calendars area.

 7. You can find hidden characters on the keyboard. It doesn’t matter what you are typing; in texts, notes, pages, mail and more you have hidden characters tucked away on your iPad 2’s virtual keyboard. If you want to use an apostrophe for example, you need not go to the second screen, but you can just tap and hold the exclamation point key until the apostrophe appears. You simply have to slide your finger up to accept it. Lots of other keys have hidden characters; you will find international variants and special characters on many of the letter keys on the keyboard. Hold the question mark to find its upside down question mark. Most of these are stashed away in logical places, making them easy to find if you only know to look for them.

This article is provided by Kevin Moor who writes for different sites, which inter alias are working to find better disk cleaner.