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Saturday, September 17, 2011

How To Create An Unique Facebook Profile Picture

Today i would like to share you How To Create A Unique Facebook Profile. As you can see the image besiede how your profile will look after you use this tool. It is quite easy and all you need to do is to visit PICSCATTER. In the homepage it self you will get an option of uploading the picture you want to add to your profile.
As you upload the picture it will automatically create the pictures. Click on download link to download the picture. You will get a .rar file unzip it and you will get a series of pictures uploaded by you, now upload the pictures to your facebook profile and tag yourself in the picture it will be then shown on your Facebook profile.

REMEMBER:  If somebody tags a photo of you it will automatically be shown on the picture strip on the top of your profile,so whenever anybody tags a photo of you just click on the cross button on the top right corner of the photo on the strip and so it will become hidden.