Favicon is actually the icon that appears next to your Website URL in the browser address bar.For blogger plateform the fevicon is blogger logo. There are many free services that help to create favicons for you but most of these services use still images. Here is a tutorial on how to make a animated fevicon and how to use it in blogger as i did. For generting an animated fevicon please follow the below steps:
- Go to Fevicon Generator Near the bottom of the page you will see these option as show in images below.
- Just upload the logo of your blog or the image which you to make your fevicon and write the text which you want to appear in the fevicon.
- Click on generate fevicon.
- It will take you to a different page.Again near the bottom you will see these options.
- Now, save the animated image from the page and upload it to picasa web album and obtain a link of the image.( Don't know how to uplaod and get the animated image link then go through this tutorial Adding Animation In Blog Post)
Now you are done with half of the work now for adding this image in blogger, please follow the below steps:
- Go To Blogger > Design > Edit HTML
- And Search For <b:skin><![CDATA[/* and just above it paste this code,
<link href='ADD YOUR FAVICON LINK HERE' rel='icon' type='image/gif'/>
- Replace ADD YOUR FAVICON LINK HERE with the image URL of the favicon you saved in Picasa album.
Save your template and That's It.
*It is advisable that before making any change to the template code please create a backup of the template by downloading it.