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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Setting Custom Domain For Blogger

      If you are Blogging since long back then you must be intrested to host your blog on your own domain instead of blogger free subdomain. User purchase domain and then confused while setting up with blogger and create a huge mess. I have recieved so many queries on how to setup a custom domain on blogger, so i decided instead of answering each question individually i can write a post on the same.
Here is a tutorial on how to setup your custom domain with blogger.
Setting up a custom domain is not a difficult task at all and all you need is patience as sometimes it requires much time to setup. As you purchase a domain from any registrar you will get an User Name and Password to login to the Control Panal of your domain. Control Panal is a place where we can manage all domain settings. Now once you manage to purchase a domain and you have a Username and Password for Control Panal then for setup you need to follow below proceedure:
  • Login to your Domain Control Panal with the help of Username and Password provided by your registrar.Click on Manage DNS/DNS Management/DNS Setting.
  • In Control Panal of most the registrar, a new window will upon clicking on Manage DNS section.Here you will see a lots of customisable options,now you need to find for CNAME RECORDS and A RECORDS. These are the records where you needs to make some changes.
  • When you will click on CNAME RECORDS you will find a option ,Add CNAME RECORD, you need to click on this.It will take you to a page asking for some details, HOST NAME/ALIAS and VALUE/DESTINATION.
  • In HOST NAME/ALIAS, you have to write "www" and in VALUE/DESTINATION you have to write "ghs.google.com, then click on Add Record or Save.
  • When you will click on A RECORDS, you will find an option Add A RECORDS. Here you need to create four separate A RECORDS and you need to point these for records to the following IP's:

  • After completing above steps you need to wait for sometime sometime it takes upto 72 hours depending upon the time of updation of the IP's and CNAME's you have added,
Now for checking that your settings have been updated or not, you need to follow these steps:
  • Connect your computer to the internet.
  • Open Commond Prompt.
  • Type ping www.yourdomain.com, you need to replace yourdomain with your domain name and .com with your domain suffix.
Pinging ghs.1.google.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=85ms TTL=247 
Reply from bytes=32 time=89ms TTL=247 
Reply from bytes=32 time=86ms TTL=247 
Reply from bytes=32 time=86ms TTL=247 

Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 85ms, Maximum = 89ms, Average = 86ms

Here you need to notice that ping recognise that your site is hosted on ghs.1.google.com, If you are getting a result which is similar to this then you can go to blogger to make the necessary changes otherwise you need to wait until your settings being updated.

I am supposing that it shows some positive result to you then what you need to do is:
  • Visit Blogger Dashboard then click on setting and then publishing subtab.

  • Then click on the switch to custom domain link as follows:
  • Write in your URL with www and save the setting, and that's it.

Blogger will automatically divert your visitors to your custom domain. If you have any further query or concern please feel free to contact us.