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Friday, December 23, 2011

Hiding Hard Drive Partition

Here is a simple trick for windows that hide entire hard drive partition with a very simple procedure. There are many tricks about the same topic using some registry hacks, but this is the simplest trick to hide any drive partition without any registry editing. This might not be new to many of us but it is very useful and can help us to save our data from unauthorized access. Please check and let me know how do you like it by your commments and suggestion.To hide a drive in your system please.follow the below steps.

  • Go to Start > Run > type "diskpart".
A DOS window will appear with following description.
  • Then type "list volume". 
  • Suppose you want to hide drive G then type "select volume 0". Then a message will appear in same window 
"Volume 0 is the selected volume"
  • Now type "remove letter G". Now a message will come
"Diskpart sucessfully removed the drive letter or mount point"
  • sometime it requires to reboot the computer. Diskpart will remove the letter.

Now if you again want to make visible the drive g then repeat the process mentioned above and instead of typing "remove letter G" in last step you need to type. "assign letter G". Letter "G" and volume 0 are as in my system and for example purpose only, you need to replace the drive letter and volume as of yours.

That's it. Hope you will enjoy it. Happy Hiding.