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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What Is Android Rooting

Android rooting becomes the talk of the town between android users, I have got many emails in my mailbox regarding android rooting. So I decided to publish an article for the same. I am not the first to publish an article about android rooting, if you Google about the same you will find many articles on the topic. The difference is that I tried to keep the topic simple so that anybody can understand what the topic is all about. This article will give you brief description of rooting and its advantages and disadvantages.
For rooting android phone I will publish another article/tutorial soon.
          Basically rooting is like a hack in android OS similar to jailbreak in iOS which provide you the admin rights for your device which allows you to gain access to the read only files which you are generally not allowed to edit. So, if you know Linux and you know what you are doing then you can just do anything in your phone, right from changing the user interface to unlocking the new level of potential. This makes a great sense rather to a developer than a normal person. This is the most sensitive thing as when you are applying some changes to your phone keep in mind that they are correct as even a bit of a wrong can make turn your great phone to a useless piece of metal and glass which also referred as a bricked phone.
          Now one question may arise in our mind that what is the need of rooting. Let me explain this, when we purchase any gadget or computer the device comes with certain restriction also, similarly in android phone, when you root, you get access to those part of the setting which can make you the super user of your device, if you are a developer then you can replace the ROM with custom ROM. ROM basically contains the OS of the device, so you can install a customized software for your device. You can install custom themes, you can do tethering and you can use many applications which are available in android market and are only for rooted device.
Now while reading this, some of you who have any android device such as android based mobile phones or tablets, they must be thinking about rooting their device so as to access the world of possibilities with their rooted device. For them I will publish another complete tutorial for rooting android devices. Keep visiting and please forward your suggestions and comments.